Green Building
Fortunately, the common awareness of the environmental protection is constantly growing. The construction industry is becoming bio. It is making fast progress in the research on renewable energy sources that are particularly important for limiting the negative impacts of building and renovation. The secret is the use of simple materials known for centuries like lime and hemp, with cutting-edge technologies. Main features:
ENVIRONMENTAL COMPATIBILITY: the mixture lime – hemp show a high degree of sustainability . Hemp requires minimal amounts of water and grows without fertilizers. It absorbs polluting substances and has the ability to absorb CO2 and release oxygen four times more than other plants. Lime is a natural material that is obtained by limestone crushing, a widespread resource in Italy.
DURATION: the constructions in lime and hemp have an almost unlimited duration, not suffering oxidation by external agents. One example are Ajanta Caves in India, where the mixture of lime and hemp has conserved and protected the precious paintings from 600 A.D., now a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
MECHANICAL RESISTANCE: ideal for seismic areas because hemp fibres absorb vibrations
RECYCLE: at the end of their lifecycle, the biocompound lime-hemp is completely biodegradable and reusable.
CARBON NEGATIVE: the complete cycle of production of bricks in lime and hemp produces low emissions of CO2, but not only. According to the study of the Politecnico of Milan, each cubic metre of this laid material contributes to capture up to 60 kg of CO2 more than those emitted for its production, included those for the transportation and the installation on site.
LIVING COMFORT: the compound absorbs and controls the humidity level in your home. In this way it inhibits the growth of microorganisms, condensation, and mould. It also has good sound absorption characteristics.
THERMAL INSULATION LAMBDA 0,07: hemp is an excellent natural thermal insulator and controls the temperature changes. For this reason, it assures a good cold insulation during winter, and a hot insulation during summer. The biocompound cancels thermal bridges and increases the airtight in the building.
FIRE-RESISTANT PROPERTIES: lime mineralizes hemp and makes it fire-resistant. In addition, the walls are resistant to attack from rodents and insects.
ENERGY SAVING: thermal insulation reduces the energy requirements, guaranteeing energy saving up to 90/100% than a house built in a traditional way.
SUSTAINABLE AESTHETICS: thanks to the versatility of the materials used, it is possible to customise each work and satisfy the customer’s requests.
We deal with both residential and for wine cellars bio-construction . We also offer advice on the research of economic resources. We are official dealer Tecnocanapa by Senini.
CANAPULO: It is obtained by mechanical scutting of hemp bales and subsequent shreding of the stems. It can be big (0-25) or thin (0-6).
BLOCCO AMBIENTE: is a bio-brick which combines isolation properties and thermal mass. It is composed of Canapulo (Corospodetion Cenc) and natural lime, a binder of hydrated dolime.
Characteristics: Comfort Thermal, acoustic and hygrometric, it is permeable to water vapour . • Resistant to fire, frost, insects and rodents • Low power consumption during manufacture. • Recyclable at end of life. Applications: Construction of insulating and breathable wall cladding, External “coat” insulation of existing buildings, Internal insulation of existing buildings, Under floor insulation, Soundproofing interior partitions.
BIOBETON: it is a massive insulating material that combines insulation properties and thermal mass. It is composed of Canapulo (Corospodetion Cenc) and natural lime, a binder of hydrated dolime. Characteristics: Comfort Thermal, acoustic and hygrometric, Biobeton is permeable to water vapour, Resistant to fire, frost, insects and rodents, No toxic fumes in case of fire, Low power consumption during manufacture, Recyclable at end of life. Applications: Insulation of ceilings, roofs and attinets, Construction of insulating and breathable wall cladding, external “coat” insulation of existing buildings, Internal insulation of existing buildings, Underbottoms insulation.
NATURAL BETON 500 VENEZIA: It is a highly breathable natural thermal plaster composed of only Canapulo Fine, Natural Dolomitic Binder and Symbiotic Microorganisms. The absence of hydraulic binders, mineral aggregates, and cellulose maximise the breathability of the masonry and make it the ideal solution for the restoration of masonry even in the presence of rising humidity and salt efflorescence. Highly energy efficient, it is an excellent humidity regulator on new and existing walls and guarantees the highest healthiness.
NATURAL DOLOMITIC BINDER : Free from chemical or cementitious additives, it is intended for the realization of entrapment mortar, insulating wall cladding, insulation systems, insulating walls, insulation systems for roof, attic and flooring, plastering systems for body and finish.
NATURAL LIME PLASTER: Made from natural hydraulic lime, it is designed for application on hemp and lime masonry in order to guarantee the best performance. It is a specific formulation with high permeability to the diffusion of water vapour, and it is ideal for the realization of background plasters and the rustic finish of new or old masonry, both internal and external.
NATURAL BREATHABLE LAYING: Natural breathable laying is a mineral coating based on natural hydraulic lime, designed for the protection and the breathable preservation of civil plasters and natural dehumidifiers. Application and Use: Surface finish to be applied on natural lime plaster, for internal use. mixed with water according to the methods provided in the technical sheet, it is used as traditional plaster. Composition: Breathable Stabilitura is a premised mineral coating based on natural hydraulic lime, selected and suitably dosed limestone aggregates, and specific additives that improve performance in terms of workability, breathability and adhesion to supports.
EFFECTIVE MICROORGANISMS: Effective Microorganisms are a symbiotic set of probiotic microorganisms present in nature that allow to reverse and regenerate oxidative and degenerative processes. This combination of symbiotic microorganisms was discovered in the 1990s by the Japanese scientist Teruo Higa, who noticed the possibility of coexistence between aerobic microorganisms (which live in the presence of oxygen) and anaerobes (which live in the absence of oxygen) in the same solution. In this way, a state of symbiosis is created between the different cultures of microorganisms, which in turn increases the vigor of the individual strains and creates a regenerative (pro-biotic) environment with a self-generating process over time. The application of Effective Microorganisms has proved to be useful and effective in various sectors, from agriculture to food, in domestic cleaning, in health, in people’s well-being, and even in construction. After years of research and development, the Senini group has finally managed to obtain a patent that allows this technology to be applied in the production of the entire line of hemp and lime solutions. Added to the mixture of water, sheaves and lime, these organic additives allow to speed up the carbonation process of the lime, providing greater mechanical resistance in the short term and less drying times of the biocomposites. Furthermore, this composition allows to eliminate any mould problems in the slow drying phase of the biocomposites, as the probiotics present feed on the bacteria that give rise to moulds.